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Mariachi el Mango_Cream Heroes


Mango flavor Tequila Cream

Mariachi El Mango is the first hero not to wear a mask. Straightforward and fearless,
stronger than ever and being himself.

His look transcends beyond what he has achieved in the ring, as a guiding star for those
looking to be true and to express themselves just as they are. 


It is the second member of the family, admired for its natural and tropical color. Acclaimed
for its intense fruity flavor fused with tequila.


¡Long live Mariachi El Mango!

cocteles con crema tequila ricos



50ml Mariachi el Mango

45ml de pulpa de mango

15ml de jugo de limón

Hojas de menta para decorar

Refrescante y vivaz. Agregue Mariachi el Mango, pulpa de mango y jugo de limón a un vaso alto antiguo con hielo. Remueve y decora con unas hojas de menta.

Siéntete libre de saborear y vivir el momento al máximo.



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